WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Character Enhancement - Season Server Loki V

Character Enhancement Banner

Point Distribution

  • The player can choose between Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity or Constitution.
  • The distribution must be aimed at the greatest power for the character.
  • It is possible to reset the distributed points by interacting with the Skill Master NPC, located in Armia.

Skill Learning

  • Each character has 3 skill lineages. The player can choose where to distribute their points. When obtaining all skills from a lineage, the point limit in each lineage increases.
  • Points can be distributed across just one lineage, or across more than one.
  • Learning weapons increases the character's physical attack.

Skill Sephira

  • Among 3 Skill options, players must purchase their learning books from the NPC Event Store and use them.
  • Each book teaches a skill for the character. To learn it you need to have Skill points, so keep them saved.

Consumable Items

Mega Potion

  • Description: Potion that increases the character's HP and physical attack.
  • Duration: Limited time effect (24 hours).

Mental Potion

  • Description: Potion that increases the character's Physical (+10%) and Magical (+16%) Attack.
  • Duration: Limited time effect (1 hour).

Master of Jewel

  • Description: Very powerful jewel that concentrates effects normally obtained through alchemy.
  • Duration: Limited time effect (24 hours).

Traveling Bag

  • Description: Artifact that frees up the use of more inventory spaces. Up to 2 artifacts can be used at the same time.
  • Duration: Limited time effect (24 hours).

Jewel of Revelation

  • Description: Jewel that allows you to see invisible characters around you.
  • Duration: Effect for limited time and space.

ReCondition Jewel

  • Description: Jewel that allows the character to be cured of powerful negative effects.
  • Duration: Effect by wearing the jewelry. There may be failure.

Horse Feed

  • Description: Large food pack that feeds any mount.
  • Duration: Effect due to feed use.

Acuban Length Of Life Recovery Potion

  • Description: Mystical Artifact that allows you to restore one unit of mount's vitality.
  • Duration: Effect per use of the item.


  • Description: Powerful artifact that allows you to send a message to all servers.
  • Duration: Effect per use of the item.

Cao Remission Letter

  • Description: Ancient scroll that restores the character's chaos points to 75.
  • Duration: Effect per use of the item.

Pure Full Divine Circle

  • Description: Item that allows you to reset the skills of a lineage. There is an item for each skill lineage.
  • Duration: Effect per use of the item.

Revival Horse (P)

  • Description: Item that immediately revives the mount, without the need to take it to the MountMaster. There is a loss of vitality.
  • Duration: Effect per use of the item.

Peerage Lift

  • Description: Mystical magic that makes the player's cover white. For the player to choose a new kingdom to take sapphires to the king of the chosen kingdom (sapphires can be purchased in the NPC Store).
  • Duration: Effect per use of the item.

Roasted Chicken

  • Description: A succulent roast chicken. Improves the character's condition through food.
  • Duration: 4 hours - non-cumulative effect.

Class exchange

  • It will be possible to exchange class within the game.
  • To this end, the player must purchase the Sefirot Protection item in the NPC Event Store at the cost of [10] Event coin, and the desired class sefirot, which is sold on the NPC Store.
  • When changing class, your armor will also be changed to the corresponding class. But the refinement and the additional will remain them.
  • This system can only be performed once a day.
  • Attention, when the player changes class, it is mandatory that they have all armor items equipped.

Good luck to all!
Best regards,
WYD Global Team.