WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Result - Lata Velha: The Dragon's Forges!

Result - Lata Velha: The Dragon's Forges! title=

Greetings, Wydians!

In the realm of WYD, after a journey of unprecedented creativity and adventure, the long-awaited moment has arrived.

The dragon forges, lit by the flame of competition, finally reveal their champions.


Main result

With great enthusiasm, we announce that the player California has emerged as the grand champion of the "Lata Velha: Forges of the Dragon" event. His creativity and unique connection to the world of WYD stood out among many, guaranteeing him the top title in this unforgettable competition. Congratulations, California, on your spectacular victory!

Fafão has already been notified about your win and will contact you shortly to collect your information and proceed with improving your account.

But don't forget, to get your account back with all the improvements you will need to complete a challenge that will be proposed and agreed with Fafão!

Stay tuned for additional instructions to celebrate your achievement!

Participation Award

Our adventure to select the champion took an unexpected and wonderful turn, thanks to the amount of talent and creativity you shared with us!

This "small" delay in results? Blame it on our excitement in watching each of his masterpieces.

Therefore, we decided to celebrate this creativity even further by awarding not just one, but three talented participants with the Participation Prize. Congratulations on turning this wait into a festival of inspiration and enthusiasm!

Stay tuned for the champions of this modality:

Champions Award
Dinky Package II of the Current Awarded Package
blackfish Package II of the Current Awarded Package
king Package II of the Current Awarded Package


  • Participation Prizes will be sent by 02/23/2024.

If you have any questions or feedback, contact one of our GM’s via Discord by clicking here.

Best Regards,
WYD Team.