WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Freya's Gift

Adoração Freya

During the periods when Freya gallops with her sets through the fields and meadows of Kersef, her legion of Valkyrie Warriors and her most faithful and powerful followers accompany her, in a march of worship to the Goddess.
While the Valkyries are responsible for judging the human essence and gifting warriors in the afterlife with a ticket to Walhalla, their Servants and their Priests gift, even on the material plane, those worthy enough of the mighty Freya's blessing.
Under the Goddess's gift, Freya's Blessing and Amunra's Curse befall mortals once again through her Servant of Freya and Priest of Freya.

NPC Freya Servant (1062 1711)

Item required:
[01] Blue Easter Egg

Receive randomly ONE:
[02] Essence of the gods
[03] Bless Stabilizer
[01] Lac Powder 100
[02] Wyden Coin (200NP)
[01] Bless Refining +9
[01] Silver Ore 1 Billion
[120] Red Dragon Essence +9
[120]Legendary Dragon Essence +9
[01]  Essence of the gods +9
[01] Black Hat
[35] Amunra crystal
[01] Red Dragon Egg
[01] Legendary Dragon Egg

-> In addition to receiving the item randomly, there will be a 10% chance of the Blue Easter Egg returning and a 50% chance of acquiring one of the foods (Drink, Pancake and Chocolate of Love).
-> All rewards are mobile, except Amunra's Crystal and the food (Drink, Pancake and Chocolate of Love).
-> Servants of Amunra will be available from 28/04/2022 at 20:00 until 29/04/2022 at 20:00.

Freya Priest

Freya's Priest will be responsible for the Nordic feast, so players will be able to exchange food purchased from Freya's Servant NPC, and exchange for rewards of their choice.

 sacerdote freya

-> All rewards can be exchange except: Amunra's Crystal,  Amunra Stone and Love Chocolate.
-> The Priest of Amunra will be available from 28/04/2022 at 18:00 until 30/04/2022 at 18:00.

Amunra's Enchantment

During the Curse of Amunra, some accessories were cursed thus creating the possibility of refining using the Amunra Crystal item.
The accessories that were cursed are the tier 2 and tier 3 Necklaces and Belts.

During the event period these accessories will follow the same refining system as the Amunra Stone, and can be refined from +12 to +15 using the Amunra Crystal. Attention: In case of failure, the item will return to +11.

-> Players will be able to refine these items for only 48 hours.
-> The Curse will occur between 04/28/2022 at 20:00 until 04/29/2022 at 20:00.
-> Make sure your Client is up to date before refining.

Freya's Blessing

Freya's Festival has arrived and with it has brought plenty of abundance and fertility to all of Kersef!
During Freya's Blessing, players will be able to count on the following effects:

-> During the refinement of sets below level 160, the core will have a chance to increase two levels.
-> When using "Health Restorers" on any set, there will be a chance for the set to receive double lives.
-> There will be no chance of failure when trying to unlock sets at levels 120, 140 and 160.


Day 04/28/2022 at 20:00 until 04/29/2022 at 20:00

Freya Worship

During this week's WYD News, players will be able to extend the event duration of Freya's Blessing, Amunra's Enchantment, and NPC's Freya Servant and Freya Priest. For each goal achieved, the value of 6 hours will be added in these events, and can reach up to 24 extra hours. Call your friends and come enjoy another weekly WYD News, with exclusive awards and goals.