WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Sandbox - 12/14/2022

Sand Header

Hello, players!

As communicated in the last patchlist on 12/9/2022, several updates are coming, and with them, new features never seen before in Kersef will become reality very soon!

The Sandbox that has been available to players since last week received some updates this Wednesday (12/14). Now, when you access it, you will find a clone of your account on the official server, and you will still be able to purchase several items for free through NPCs, allowing players to perform gameplay and PvP tests.

[Update Sandbox 12/09/22]

Class Balancing

  • Applied a balancing to the calculation of additional arrows obtained by the 10th skill of Huntress Survival for "Lightning Storm".
  • Applied a balancing to the game's resistance formula and increased the limit from 400 to 500.

[Update Sandbox 12/09/22]

Class Balancing

  • Reduced the chance to apply x3 critical.
  • Reduced the damage applied by evocations of BeastMasters on monsters.

New modifications can still be applied.

Bahamutt Potion

  • When using the potion, the player will receive the "Ignition Buff".
  • The buff will grant the player a 0.5% PVP Defense bonus for each Bahamut item equipped (Circlet, weapons, armor, belt, necklaces, etc).
  • Potion can be purchased for testing at the NPC Sandbox, located in the city of Armia.

New effects will be added for the Ignition Buff.

HP and MP Potions

  • Increased the limit of HP and MP that the player can recover per second.
  • Reduced the delay in using HP and MP potions when the Q or W key is pressed.

Rerun the sandbox client (listed below) to ensure that you receive updates.

How to access the testing server?

To access the test server just follow the following tutorial:

  1. Download the Test Server client by clicking here.
  2. Extract the client in your computer
  3. Open the file WYD.exe, which is located inside the folder.

Note: If you want to change the game resolution, or language, just copy the Config.bin file from the official client folder to the client folder of the test server.


  • If I encounter a problem or bug, what should I do?

  You should contact the team immediately, either through Discord, , or through our support.

 WYD Global Team