WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Titans Arena

Titans Arena title=

Ready, Wydiano? A new PvP event has arrived in Kersef! Become a titan in this tournament and earn rewards with your team!

General information

The tournament with deadly characters will take place in the Sandbox. 3 teams of 18 players will be selected and led by influencers NMGUI, Meyer and Fafão GamePlays. Together, teams will be able to create battle tactics and strategies to compete for valuable prizes. The 18 players will be made up of:

Influencer Holders Reservations
1 12 5

All participants will have access to Kersef's best weapons, armor (targeted at Mortal) and accessories for free, through local merchants, in addition to the title of Kersef's Titan!

Participant Awards: Mount Skin + Costume + kersef titan role (Discord)

The tournament will be held between mortal characters on the Sandbox server, access to which will be available through the Launcher;

Players must register on the form fans where they must signal which team they want to participate in;

Influencers will choose team members for the tournament based on personal/professional criteria, with the only requirement that the participant must have registered with their fans using the form;

In the form, the player must inform:

  • Login;
  • Nickname;
  • Nick on Discord;
  • Chosen influencer;
  • Brief presentation text justifying the influencer’s choice.

Once the registration and team selection stage is complete, influencers must contact the Raid Hut team to inform the list of competitors, in addition to contacting the participants to develop combat strategies;

Players who were not selected for the teams will participate as fans, competing for prizes in case the chosen team wins;

During the 27th, 29th and 31st, the teams will face each other in the dueling arena; At the end of the third duel, the team with the most victories will be awarded, along with the influencer's fans. In case of a tie, the highest kill balance defines the winning team;

Sign up here

Concept Banner

Concept Banner

All members of the winning team will receive a mount skin and the exclusive global fifth anniversary outfit, as well as the Kersef Titan role on the official Discord server. (All prizes are valid for 30 days)

Fan Awards: Mount Skin

Concept Banner

All fans of the winning team will receive an exclusive mount skin for the fifth anniversary of the global! (All prizes are valid for 30 days)


Registrations 05/23 - 05/24 Player registrations on the influencers’ support form;
Definition of teams 05/24 Choice of teams based on personal and professional criteria of each influencer;
Team coordination 05/24 - 05/27 Regulation review, coordination of battle strategies;
Tournament of Titans 05/27
08:00 PM GMT-3
Holding the tournament in the Sandbox; Display on the NMGUI Channel;
(NMGUI Team X Fafão Team)
Tournament of Titans 05/29
08:00 PM GMT-3
Holding the tournament in the Sandbox; Exhibition on Meyer's Channel;
(Meyer Team X NMGUI Team)
Tournament of Titans 05/31
08:00 PM GMT-3
Holding the tournament in the Sandbox; Exhibition on Canal do Fafão;
(Fafão Team X Meyer Team)
Awards Until 06/07 Analysis of regulations and registrations, team awards.


  • Players must sign up to the influencer's fan base to show interest in participating in the selected team;
  • Only one registration will be accepted per influencer, therefore, the player who registers for two or more fans will be disqualified;
  • The selection criteria for team members are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the influencer, varying in personal or professional criteria such as:
    • Most active participants in their respective lives;
    • Players with the greatest interaction with the influencer;
    • Vacancy draws during their respective lives;
    • Others.
    • Raid Hut is only responsible for checking whether the selected members were previously registered in the registration form, exempting any responsibility and influence of Raid Hut in the composition of the teams;

      Total players per team: 12 + Leading influencer + 5 reserves;

  • The selected players will be contacted by the team captain influencers, through Discord.
  • It is the influencers' responsibility to send the selected list to the teams on May 24th, otherwise it will be detrimental to the team and possible disqualification measures may be taken;
  • Influencers are responsible for coordinating their teams, integrating team members, creating combat strategies and ensuring understanding of dynamics and regulations;
  • Any failure to comply with these regulations will result in disqualification of the player;
  • Cases omitted from this regulation will be analyzed by the team.


  • Players will have access to the Sandbox Server on May 24th;
  • The 17 selected players (12 starters + 5 reserves) are committed to contributing to the team;
  • The 17 selected players (12 starters + 5 reserves) commit to attending on the day and time of the tournament;
  • The winning team will be the team with the greatest accumulation of rounds won;
  • In case of a tie, the highest kill balance defines the winning team;
  • Any failure to comply with these regulations will result in disqualification of the player;
  • Cases omitted from this regulation will be analyzed by the team.


  • Prizes will be sent to the same Login that participated in the Tournament, and sending to another account will not be permitted;
  • The fans (registered on the registration form) will be rewarded if the selected influencer wins. Remember to fill out the form carefully, especially in the Nickname field to avoid possible inconvenience;
  • As mentioned previously, only one registration per influencer will be accepted, therefore, the player who registers for two or more fans will be disqualified;
  • The award will be sent by June 7, 2024;


Team Victories Defeats Kills Deaths Balance (kills)
NMGUI 0 0 0 0 0
Fafão 0 0 0 0 0
Meyer 0 0 0 0 0


NMGUI Team Fafão Team Meyer Team
NMGUI Fafão Meyer
INTER Rang -
Davi BigHero -
Ant- -TLBeats- -
juunior BetterNow -
Sknor LeprechaunY -
Justdoit xViteca- -
Reliquinha Torva -
sErgyNho -MEUOVO -
TheBlackWins —RAZE— -
-onn KleitonRasta -
Trym PaULiNhUbr -
Khal CraqueDunga -
Ayok JackThunder -
xBrunst Ori -
GnomoBox Leanar -
PRIM3 Berkkano -
siDokka BispoXD -

About Sandbox

The Sandbox is an update testing environment, also used for dynamics and events. This time, players will have access to the game's deadly resources in a simplified way.

How to create a Mortal character?

  • Just create a character in the natural flow of the game. It will already be created at level 400 with 1 bi in inventory.
  • You can obtain items such as Weapons, Armor, Mounts, Accessories, among other things from NPCs spread across Armia.

How will the Sandbox work?

  • The Sandbox will be available from 03:00 PM GMT-3 on Friday (05/24) until 03:00 PM GMT-3 on Monday (06/03);
  • The sandbox will be made available exclusively for the tournament between influencers (Fafão, Meyer and NMGUI). Due to this, the server was configured with only the essential items to carry out duels.
  • All existing accounts will be able to access the sandbox. Accounts created after release will not be available on the server. (after May 24th, new accounts will not be able to access it).
  • The sandbox will be made available exclusively for the tournament between influencers (Fafão, Meyer and NMGUI). Due to this, the server was configured with only the essential items to carry out duels.
  • In the launcher, when the Sandbox is made available, you will be able to view the Sandbox "tab". Just click on it and update your game or install it if you haven't already.

  • The rules may be adjusted until the start of the tournament

Best regards,
WYD Global Team.