WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist - 08/15/2024

Patchlist 08/15/2024 title=

Hello players,

Check below the patchlist with all the new features that were applied during the last update.


  • DropList
    • The droplist continues to be refined with the community's input! Check out this week's major updates:
      • Monsters Section - Main Page:
        • Added map icons that direct to the corresponding map when clicked.
        • Common monster icons on the Kephra map have been added.
      • Monsters Section - Secondary Page (When clicking on the monster):
        • Monster drop difficulty colors have been updated. More information coming soon.
      • Maps Section - Main Page:
        • Added Kingdom map.
        • Several monsters have been relocated to their correct maps.
        • New column added: Monsters.
      • Items Section - Main Page:
        • Updated monster column, now displaying icons for some map monsters.
      • We have updated the access link. To access DropList, click here.
      • What do you think about the recent changes? Is there anything we can do to improve your experience? Please fill out the form and help us understand how you feel, just click here.

Deleted Items

  • Existing Guild Coins in the game have been removed, following the weekly routine.
  • Items related to the mechanics of the Lucky Teleport, Challenge and Teleport Royale events have been deleted.

Routine Activities

  • Routine procedures were carried out to maintain the stability of the game:
    • Hosting server maintenance and stabilization processes;
    • Data security maintenance processes;
    • Implementations of internal game updates;
    • Double checking new implementations in the game.

Best regards,
WYD Global Team.