WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Roadmap - September

Roadmap WYD - September title=

Greetings, Wydian

September has arrived with lots of news for you!

Follow the RoadMap of the month closely and stay up to date with updates!

What's next?

Roadmap September Banner

Battle Pass

A new Battle Pass season is coming! Test your skills in the Royal Arena and keep an eye on the end date to claim your rewards.

Awarded Package - Community Choice!

The Community Choice mechanic will be available during the month of September, Wydians! With it, you will be able to choose the main outfit for the first two Awarded Package of the month. The voting will take place on our Instagram. Check out the dates:

Voting Result
09/03 09/06
09/10 09/13

Follow our social media so you don't miss the vote!

Monthly Event - The Lost Temple of Frigg

This Monthly Event will be based on the Nordic-Wiccan calendar, highlighting the 8th Sabbath of the wheel of the year during the month of September, which marks the beginning of the spring equinox. Check out September's theme!

The Lost Temple of Frigg

At the beginning of the Spring Equinox, the high clerics of Kersef lead a pilgrimage in search of the Amulet of Frigg, a sacred artifact kept in the Goddess's temple to bless the coming year's harvests.

Located in the heart of a sacred mountain, the mission of the adventurers supporting this journey is clear: reach the temple and offer tribute to the goddess, ensuring that her blessings are showered upon the lands and people of Kersef.

The journey, however, was far from simple. The path to the temple was guarded by a series of challenges and dangers, created by Frigg herself to test the determination and purity of heart of those who sought her blessing. Ancient monsters, guardians of ancient secrets, lurked in the shadows, ready to challenge the adventurers.

Only the truly worthy could overcome these dangers and reach Frigg's temple, where the Amulet, pulsing with the goddess's energy, waited to be activated, ensuring another year of abundance for Kersef's harvests.

Launch part I Launch part II
09/20 09/27

Excellence Mount System

Based on community feedback, starting in September, we’ll be implementing a new Paragon Mount system! Paragon mounts, with graphical improvements, will be available exclusively in the Paragon Challenge and will be unique to the game. Stay tuned to our social media channels for more information soon!

WYD News

Join WYD News Weekly on Friday Nights!

Join in the fun with exciting dynamics such as: Twitch Drop, Prized Inventory, Pig Race, PvP Mini-Event, Find the Fafão, Event and War Streams, Giveaways and much more!

Interact live with Fafão and the GMs through chat, ensuring a unique experience!

This month, we will be hosting a special Tower Wars Prize broadcast on Channel 1 on 09/13. We will be sharing more details about the broadcast and rewards that week.

Talk with us!

Continuous communication

Since you, the player, are the most important part of our game, we are always open and available to listen to you. We want to maintain ongoing communication with our gaming community. Therefore, see below how to get in touch with us to provide feedback and participate more actively in the game development process.

Community Forum on Discord server

We are providing a new Discussion Forum on our official Discord for you to comment on what you think about the changes that are coming and bring your opinions. You can access it by clicking here.

Suggestions and Feedback

Leave a suggestion or feedback on our Technical Support.

Best regards,
WYD Global Team.