WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist 23/09/2021

Hello players,

Check it out below the patchlist with all the changes that were applied during the last update.

Level Up

-> Increased the experience gain upon defeating monsters for Celestial characters below level 340.
-> Increased the experience gain upon concluding the quest “Infernal Zone” for Celestial characters below level 340.

Balanceamento de Drop

-> Added the drop chance of Svad/Sleip's essences on quest “Secret Room (M)”.
-> Added the drop chance of Fire Tiger and Blood Griffon's essence on quest “Secret Rom (A)”.
-> Enhanced the drop chance of items “Dragon Soul” and “Shiny Laktorerium” on quest “Unknown Desert”.


-> Fixed a bug on Royal Arena battle pass that was not counting the kills correctly.
-> Now the item “Amunla Stone" can also be equipped on the amulet and earring slots.
-> Applied some reduction on HP buff in several schedules of Royal Arena.

Remember to always start the game using the launcher to get all the updates correctly.


Global WYD Team.