Greetings players,
Check it out below the patchlist with all the changes that were applied during the last update.
Halloween Time-> Released the NPCs to redeem the “Lady Wolf” suit (Missions X, XI and XII).
-> Added to NPC "Dracula Trader” the item “Amunla Crystal”.
Item Drop Balancing
-> Improved the drop of item “Fire Tiger's Essence” on monsters from the first chamber in the quest “Secret Room(A)”.
-> Changed the drop of item “Fire Tiger's Essence” for “Red Dragon's Essence” on quest's Boss “Secret Room(A)”.
-> Improved the drop of item “Amunla Stone” on quest's Boss “Secret Room(A)”.
Big Sale
A Big Sale will be made on 30/10/21 at 19:30(UTC -3) with unbelievable offers in several items. Check the list out below:
> The items and prices are still subject to changes.
-> Now the event's NPCs are also capable of apply the transformation buff on players.
-> Fixed a bug that made some debuffs were not properly removed upon dying inside the Royal Arena.
-> Fixed a bug with the message displayed by the item Mount recovery potion.
-> Added three new suits to the game.
What comes next
The new guild system has entered in the last test phase, starting in November, the system will be available on sandbox to all who may take part in the tests of this system that will make a revolution to the management and guild strategies on WYD Global.
Remember to always start the game using the launcher to get all the updates correctly.
WYD Global Team.