WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist - 09/22/2022

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Hello players,

Check below the list of patches with all the news that was applied during the last update.

Loot Hunter

-> The item "Mercenary Coupon" has been added back into premium neil at a cost of 1 NP. The Mercenary Coupon item can be used to redeem the Hunter's Costume(expiration 09/30/22) needed to participate in the quest. 
-> Mercenary Coupon items and costumes from the quest have been deleted.

Fixes and optimizations

-> During the week, several fixes and optimizations were applied to the game's client in order to fix the instability problems that appeared after the last update. Today some more fixes were applied and this is still our priority with the game developer.
-> Fixed a bug that caused the Guild Influence balance of the guild and members to not be displayed correctly. (Note: At the moment, the Guild Influence obtained via Real Arena is still counted in the guild balance, but will not be displayed in the player balance.
-> Fixed a bug with the composition of the item "Essence of the Gods" in the NPC "Conjurer Ehre".
-> Fixed a bug with Odin's Blessing that caused that items with +13 refining were not protected from losing refining.


-> Now groupable items purchased from merchant NPCs will be grouped automatically.
-> Now the "Soul Limit" skill will also be used automatically by the game's macro system.