WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist - 01/05/2023

Patchlist banner

Hello players,
Check below the patchlist with all the new features that were applied during the last update.

Bahamut Potion

→ Item used to activate the buff “ ignite" and grant some benefits to the character. The Bahamut Potion can be obtained from events, drops and crafting.
→ The Bahamut Potion crafting (7 days) can be done from NPC Bahamut Soldier.

Bahamut Soldier
Location: Armia

[01] Divine Protection
200,000,000 in Gold

→ There is no chance of failure during compositing.
→ Only God2 characters above level 320 will be able to perform compositing.

Game Balance

→ Applied a balance to the game formula of Resistance damage absorption.
→ Applied a balance to the formula of gaining critical damage from extra crit chance.
→ Increased the chance to apply critical hit x3.

Merchant's Ville

→ Noatun Mission

Mission 326 (Before)

 [25] WydHut Pizza

[01] Divine Protection
(No tradable)


Mission 326 (Now)


 [20] WydHut Pizza
[01] Beriel's Heart
[01] Beriel's Soul

[01] Divine Protection
(No tradable)

→ Denny

Mission 391 (Before)

 [15] Wyden Coin (200NP)

[01] Divine Protection

Mission 391 (Now)


[08] Wyden Coin (200NP)
[02] Beriel's Heart
[02] Beriel's Soul

[01] Divine Protection


Routine Activities

→ Routine procedures were carried out to maintain game stability.


→ Existing Guild Coins in the game have been removed, following the weekly routine.
→ Bahamut Potion acquired through NPC Checkin has been removed from the game.
→ All items obtained through Merchant Noel have been removed removed from the game.
→ All skill books (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and sephira) and sephirot blessing obtained during the last event have been removed from the game.
→ All Christmas Stockings have been removed from the game of the game, as well as its drop.
→ The NPCs Elf Forge, Noel Forge, Merchant Noel and GodMaster have been removed from the game.

Best Regards,
WYD Team