WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist - 02/16/2023

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Hello players,
Check below the patchlist with all the new features that were applied during the last update.


Bleeding Skill
Fixed issue that made it possible to use the skill inside the citys.

Guild Panel
Fixed issue that caused "Today" to always appear in the field where it should show how many days ago the member was last online.

Windows key
Fixed the problem that did not allow using the Windows key when the game was open.

Game Balance

Endless Tower

We continue to follow the War of Towers and realized that the update made to the status of the Endless Tower was not enough to make the quest more attractive. For this reason, we've decided to rebalance your stats to ensure a fair and balanced experience for all players.

We would like to point out that this calibration will take place next Monday, in order not to jeopardize the planning and strategies of the guilds during that week. And that other changes are already being studied in order to improve the quest and make it more attractive to everyone.

Damage Absorption

We would like to inform you that we are temporarily renewing the Heldrun mount, which will grant +50% absorption to whoever uses it, valid until March 16th in the prisang nell at the cost of 1NP. This measure is temporary and was taken with the aim of reducing the difference in attack between players. We understand that this is not the definitive solution, but we believe it will help during the process of implementing the permanent solution. Remembering that this is a temporary measure and that the team is working to find the best solution for all players. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Routine Activities

  • Routine procedures were carried out to maintain the stability of the game;
  • The existing Guild Coins in the game have been removed, following the weekly routine. 


  • Deleted items from previous events.

WYD Team