WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist 08/23/2019


Hello WYDianos,

Check out the patchlist below with all the news that was applied during the last update.

Event: Monster Invasion

The "Red Medal" item used to exchange NPC IV is now available free of charge for redemption on the "GIFTS" tab of NPC "Prisang Nell".

Promotion: Treasure of Gods

The rewards earned by delivering the item "Purple Medal" to NPC Odin have been updated.

Royal Arena (Test Phase)

> Now on losing a life, the player's HP and MP will be fully recovered.
-> Now the guild medal will be removed within the quest.

Tower war

Now the famed guild lost by having the tower destroyed during the tower war will be proportional to the number of zones the guild has in that channel. The amount of fame guild lost by felling has also been updated.

The famed guild lost when the tower was destroyed was 1,000, 500, or 333 and only depended on how many times the tower was knocked down.

The fame guild lost during the war has been changed to 200/100/50 multiplied by the amount of zones the guild has in the channel.


Example 01: If the GMPOWER guild has the tower down in the channel that owns Armia / Noatun and fails to topple the tower back, it will lose 400 fame guild points. (200 by Armia and 200 by Noatun)

Example 02: If the GMPOWER guild has the tower down in the channel that owns Armia / Erion / Noatun and fails to topple the tower back, it will lose 600 fame guild points. (200 by Armia, 200 by Erion and 200 by Noatun)

Example 03: If the GMPOWER guild has the tower knocked down on the Armia / Noatun channel and can knock the tower back down once, it will lose 200 fame guild points (100 points for Armia and 100 points for Noatun).

In the coming weeks, we will collect feedbacks and analyze the impact this change has had on the war and soon apply other changes that are being planned.


-> Some fixes on item names and descriptions applied.
-> Some bugfixes applied to skill names and descriptions.
-> The XP gained by defeating the "Arcane Nightmare" quest monsters has been increased. We will continue monitoring the quest to apply adjustments to the XP obtained if necessary.
-> The XP gained from defeating the "Water Elemental Zone (A)" quest monsters has been increased. We will continue monitoring the quest to apply adjustments to the XP obtained if necessary.
-> The "Peerage Lift" item that allows the character to get the white cloak has been added to Nordic Store for 575 NP.
-> Now the Huntress passive "Huntress Vision" skill will also consider the points earned with the "Soul Limit" skill in calculating the critical chance.
-> A week-long test will be performed with the TransKnight class "Divine Fury" skill. During this time it can also be used against monsters. After the testing period, we will analyze the skill usage data together with the developer and decide if the skill use against monsters will be maintained.

Remember to always start the game using the launcher to get the latest updates and fixes.


WYD Global Team