WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Patchlist 31/10/2019

Hello WYDianos,

Check out the patchlist below with all the news that were applied during the last update.

Halloween events

Evento Game Diversão Temporário

Macabre Teleport

The second part of the event “Teleporte Macabro” will take place on 02/11 and 03/11 between 14:00 and 17:00. Know more

Halloween quests

The first and second part of the “Halloween Missions” event is now available! Enjoy to get unique halloween items! Know more.

Big Sale

A Big Sale will be held on 01/11 at 19:00 with epic offers on various items. Check out the list below:

-> Purple Medal - 300 available = 325 NP per unit
-> Protection Emblem - available = 200 NP per unit
-> Experience Box - 100 available = 20 NP per unit
-> Roast Chicken - 100 available = 30 NP per unit
-> Parade Horse Essence B x10 - 300 available = 25 NP per unit
-> Parade Horse Essence W x10 - 300 available = 35 NP per unit
-> Fenrir Essence x10 - 300 available = 25 NP per unit
-> Unicorn Essence x10 - 200 available = 100 NP per unit
-> Pegasus Essence x10 - 200 available = 70 NP per unit
-> Unisus Essence x10 - 200 available = 70 NP per unit
-> Blessed Refinement +0 - 300 available = 245 NP per unit
-> Mithril Bar (Defense) - 200 available = 245 NP per unit
-> Mithril Bar (Immunity) - 200 available = 245 NP per unit

Skill "Limite da Alma"

Mortal characters can now also learn the Soul Limit skill. Simply level 371 or higher and deliver a Secret Stone equivalent to your class to the "Kibita" NPC. Check out the required stones for each class:

Transknight -> Water Secret Stone
Foema -> Sun Secret Stone
BeastMaster -> Land Secret Stone
Huntress -> Wind Secret Stone


-> Updated description of various items.
-> The items “Victory Coupon” and “SRP Coupon” have been deleted from all game accounts.
-> Fixed a ranking bug that caused some characters not to display correctly.
-> Various optimizations applied to Nordic Store to avoid instability in access.

Remember to always run the game through the launcher to receive all updates.


WYD Global Team