WYD Massive Multiplayer Online Game

Season Server: Loki V

Season Server: Loki V title=

Heavy clouds hovered over the lands of Kersef, announcing an imminent change in the fate of the heroes and adventurers who inhabited the kingdom. It was a time of excitement and expectation, as rumors about the arrival of a new era spread across the four corners of the world.
Read more...It was said that in the far reaches of the universe, where worlds intertwined in a tangle of magic and mystery, there existed a place known as the Kingdom of Loki. A land where the ancient gods watched from their heavenly thrones, weaving the threads of destiny with abilities beyond mortal comprehension.
It was there, in the golden halls of Valhalla, that the gods proclaimed the arrival of a new challenge for the brave warriors of Kersef. A challenge that would test your courage, your strength and your determination like never before.
Season Server: Loki V was about to open its doors, offering heroes the opportunity to embark on an epic journey through unknown lands, facing unimaginable dangers and achieving endless glory.
But with great power comes great responsibility, and the gods warned that only the most fearless and prepared would be able to face the challenges that awaited in the Season Server: Loki V. For only those who mastered the arts of magic, strategy and cooperation could triumph over the threats that would stand in your way.
The drums of war resounded on the horizon, echoing the call for imminent battle. As the heroes prepared to enter Season Server: Loki V, hope shone in their hearts as they knew their actions would shape Kersef's destiny forever.
And so, with courage and determination, the heroes set off towards the unknown, ready to face any challenge that destiny had in store for them. Because on Season Server: Loki V, the adventure was just beginning...
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Event Duration Banner

The event will last a few days, check below when it starts and ends.

(08:00 PM GMT-3)
(12:00 PM GMT-3)

The event Banner

The season server works through a new server called "Loki". To access it, simply open the Launcher and connect to the Loki server with the same account as the Global server. Once in Loki, players must create Mortal characters to begin their journey. During the event the main objective should be to collect as many mounts as possible and manage them so that they reach their maximum potential.

To achieve this objective, the player must choose just one of his characters and carry out the missions, through which he will be able to understand the event systems and also receive his first mount. After registering, players will be able to participate in all the dynamics of the event.

The event will feature Event Coin, which can be used to redeem items and improve equipment, and Loki Coin, which allows rewards to be redeemed on the Global Server after the end. from the Season Server, in the Loki Store.

The news may change until the event launches, so stay tuned!

Registration Banner

How to sign up?

To register, the player needs to fulfill just one requirement: Have a WYD Global account.

How to log in to the Loki Server?

Login will be done through the same WYD Global account. Pay attention to these details:

  • The numeric password is a new password, and will be defined during the first login, so you must be very careful. But in cases where it is forgotten, the recovery option via the website can be of great help.
  • If the password is changed on the website, the effect will be applied to both the Global server and the Loki server.

Character Creation:

Players will be able to create up to 4 characters on their account.

Loki server nicknames have no relation to the Global server, so players are free to choose them.

Up to four characters can be created, but only one character can be chosen to participate in the event. This choice cannot be undone. Pay attention to these details:

  • All characters created on the Loki server will start their journey at Level 400.
  • All characters created on the Loki server will be equipped with [E] armor, these armor will initially have no additional or refining.
  • All characters created on the Loki server will receive the first mission card in their inventory.

Character Choice:

Players will only be able to choose ONE character from their account to participate. To choose it, the player must complete the first mission with that character.

Summary Banner

Participation in Dynamics

  • Participants will have a series of dynamics to participate in.
  • The dynamics guarantee the player progression, fun and rewards during and at the end of the event.
  • Through dynamics, players will gain improvements to their character, upgrades to their equipment, Event Coins and Loki Coins.

Daily Pass

  • Every day, players must interact with the NPC Adventurer to complete the daily pass and access the dynamics.
  • Obtaining a pass is mandatory to carry out the event activities.
  • All daily items in the inventory will be removed when interacting with the NPC.
  • By interacting with the NPC Adventurer, the player can receive daily bonus items.
  • Only characters registered for the event will be able to use the daily pass.
  • When completing the Daily Pass, the player will win [10] Golden Key and [05] Game Room Ball.


  • Missions guide them, instructing them on how to use the system and guarantee rewards for their completions.
  • Some of the missions are mandatory for progression, others are not.
  • Mandatory missions are colored Green.
  • The player starts with [10] Event Coins to complete the first mission. Upon completion of this mission, the remaining Event Coins held will be erased.
  • Upon completing the initial mission, the player will receive [30] Event Coins and [01] Loki Crystal to begin their journey on the Season Server Loki V.


Level Up

  • Players will be able to increase the level of their mounts using the essences that are obtained through dynamics or through the Event Store.
  • On the Loki server, all mounts use Loki's Essence and consume the same ration. Up to level 120, the level increase process is carried out using the essence on the mount .
  • In the NPC MountMaster it is possible to choose between using 1, 5 or 10 essences at a time, on any mount.
  • To improve the level of the last mount beyond level 120, the NPC MountMaster must be used exclusively.
  • On the Loki server, mounts do not level up if composition fails.
  • Rounds N and B have the same status.

Rescue of new mounts

  • Mounts that reach level 120 unlock the redemption of the next Tier mount.
  • In this process, the current mount remains with the player and the new mount with a higher Tier is sent to the inventory. The new mount will be at level 0, with 0 quality and will have 60 vitality.
  • Upon reaching the last Tier of mounts (last mount), players will be able to level up up to level 250.
  • The progression of the riding tiers will have a temporal limitation, according to the schedule below:
    Tier Release date
    Tier 0 > Tier 1 06/07
    Tier 1 > Tier 2 06/07
    Tier 2 > Tier 3 06/08
    Tier 3 > Tier 4 06/09
    Tier 4 > Tier 5 06/10
    Tier 5 > Tier 6 06/11

Mount Quality

  • When participating in dynamics, players will receive the Loki Crystal item.
  • For each Loki Crystal received, the player will be able to choose one of their mounts to increase their quality.
  • The quality limit a mount can reach is 50.

Mount Tiers

  • During the Loki server, players will be able to obtain up to 6 different mounts, progressively.
  • Upon reaching level 120 on a mount, the player will automatically be able to rescue the next mount.
  • The mounts for each Tier will not be disclosed, however, the progression can be visually understood.

Character and Equipment Upgrades

  • Through dynamics, players will be able to improve their character.
  • Whether by completing quests or using Event Coins, players will be able to become more competitive.
  • More competitive characters will be able to obtain a better ranking in the Ranking, and therefore better rewards.
  • Some mechanics already guarantee the player improvement, others guarantee Event Coins.


  • On the Loki server, all mounts use the same essence and also the same food.
  • Potions and Artifacts that normally have effects for 7 days, in Loki, due to the short duration of the event, will have 24 hours.
  • It is not possible to trade or open a personal store on the Loki server
  • The Loki server will be analyzed and monitored by the team daily and at 06:00 PM GMT-3, changes can be announced to the server and applied at 12:00 PM GMT-3.
  • Every day at 06:00 PM GMT-3 an Event Notice will be published informing changes and interesting facts about the event so far.
  • On some maps it will not be possible to use the “Group” function.
  • Daily items will be deleted every day when you obtain the day pass.
  • You can only connect to one account at the same time.
  • Accounts identified as a player's "secondary" will not be able to receive rewards or participate in the Loki Store.
    • The analysis of "secondary" accounts takes into account several factors, such as:
      • Multiple accounts accessed by the same player on Loki.
      • Multiple accounts accessed by the same player on Global (the analysis is not restricted to the log period).
      • History of accounts on the Global and Loki server.
  • Cases not covered by the regulations will be analyzed by the team.

Rewards Banner

What will be the rewards?

  • Participating in the Loki server guarantees players rewards on the Global Server through the Loki Store.
  • The Loki Coins obtained by players will be used in the Loki Store after the end of the event.
  • The player's position in the Loki Ranking will indicate which tier of the Loki Store will be available to them.
  • To access the Loki Store, it is essential to comply with all regulations, in addition to active participation in the event.

Loki Store

  • The Loki Store is a Global server store where players use their balance of Loki Coins, obtained during the Loki V event, to purchase valuable rewards.
  • There are three Tiers in the Loki Store: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each Tier has its own rewards, limits and deadlines.
  • A player's rank in Loki V will determine whether they will have access to any Loki Store and, if so, which of the three.
  • You can check out the Loki Store rewards by clicking here.


  • During participation in the event, you will reach some milestones that will check you out some rewards, check out every milestone and your respective rewards below, and read the rules to know when you get them:
    MileStone Rewards
    First upgrade of mount [05] Loki Coins
    Second upgrade of mount [10] Loki Coins
    Third upgrade of mount [10] Loki Coins
    Fourth upgrade of mount [20] Loki Coins
    fifth upgrade of mount [20] Loki Coins
    Reach level 150 Ultimate Mount [50] Loki Coins


  • If the player does not gain access to any Loki Store, their Event Coins will have no use and no rewards can be obtained on the Global server.
  • The Loki Store will be available from 06/21 until 08/02.
  • On 08/08, unused temporary items obtained through the Loki Store will be removed from the Global server.
  • Players ranked in the highest 15% of the ranking will be part of the Gold Tier.
  • Players ranked in the highest 35% of the ranking will be part of the Silver Tier.
  • Players ranked below the highest 50% of the ranking will be part of the Bronze Tier.
  • The player will be eligible for the Bronze Ranking tier onwards when reaching a Mount Score of at least 500.
  • The player will be eligible for the Silver Ranking tier onwards when reaching a PvP Score of 100.
  • Rewards such as Loki Coins will be added to your balance within 15 days after the end of the event.
  • The player will only be able to redeem the Loki Ranking rewards after reaching at least the 2nd Milestone (Achieving the second upgrade).

Ranking Banner

What is it?

  • The Loki Ranking is the classification of event participants based on the criteria:
    • Mount Score.
    • PvP Score.
  • You can access it by clicking here.
  • It is updated every day, every hour.

How to score?

  • Mount Score
    • Each mount has its own score, the result of the sum of its level, its vitality and its quality (Level + Vitality + Quality).
    • The Mount Score is the sum of the scores of each mount owned by the player.
  • PvP Score
    • Players' participation in Desert Royale generates a score, the result of the sum of participation, kills and completions.
    • When participating, slaughtering or completing the quest the player will receive 1 point of PVP Score.


  • The players' position in the Loki Ranking indicates whether access to a Loki Store has been gained and, if so, which store.
  • Players classified in the top 15% of the ranking will be part of the Gold Tier.
  • Players classified in the next top 35% of the ranking will be part of the Silver Tier.
  • Players ranked below the highest 50% of the ranking will be part of the Bronze Tier.
  • A player can only be part of one Tier.
  • Up to 1,000 players can be present in the Ranking.


  • Players will be classified in ascending order, taking into account the highest score score.
  • If there are draws in the first criterion, PVP Score will be used to make the tiebreaker, where the player who has the highest score will be better classified.
  • If there are still draws, other criteria will be used, these are described in the regulation.

Ranking reward

Classification Reward
1 Exclusive Loki Server Mount Skin
Exclusive Costume
Temporary Cape Skin
[400] Loki coins
Amunla Stone Tier 7 +15
2 [350] Loki Coin
[01] Amunla Stone Tier 7 +14
3 [300] Loki Coin
[01] Amunla Stone Tier 7 +13
4-5 [275] Loki Coin
[01] Amunla Stone Tier 6 +13
6-10 [250] Loki Coin
[01] Amunla Stone Tier 6 +11
11-50 [225] Loki Coin
51-99 [200] Loki Coin
100-199 [150] Loki Coin
200-399 [100] Loki Coin
400-599 [50] Loki Coin
600-2000 Eternal Costume


  • The tutorial mount (Pig) does not count towards Mount Score.
  • The classification in the ranking will follow the following criteria:
    • Mount Score.
  • In the event of a tie, the following criteria will be analyzed, in the following order:
    • Mount Score.
    • PvP Score.
    • Sum of Quality of all mounts.
    • Sum of Vitality of all mounts.
    • Number of Kills in Desert Royale.
    • Shortest time to get 100 kills in Desert Royale.
  • The player will be eligible for the Bronze Ranking tier onwards when reaching a Mount Score of at least 500.
  • The player will be eligible for the Silver Ranking tier onwards when reaching a PvP Score of 100.

Good luck to all!
Best regards,
WYD Global Team.